Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quote of the Day

We are not the church when we come to church if we're not the church before we come to church." -- Dallas Willard


How do we become the church before we come to church? That is the question I so much  desire to answer... Any thoughts?

Friday, August 5, 2011

M church

What kind of church are we feeling led to plant?

Something like this:
What we think we know is that God wants us to plant a church with a few key values:

· A multi-ethnic church, a church of every nation to reach all the nations,

· A mission church where ministry to the poor and hurting is a natural part of what we do and who we are

· A multiplying church, where the church planted will have as its goal to continue to reproduce other churches to reach the lost and seeking.

· A multi-generational church, where the church disciples parents to disciple their families through worship services and shared outreach, and people of all ages worship together.

· A c’Munity (gotta keep the m’s going) where families don’t have to leave life to go to church but church (fellowship/sharing faith/worship God/sharing life) happens all week long.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summing up my heart and convictions...

I heard this podcast called “Foundations for Missional Community” by Jeff Vandersteldt of Soma Communities last week. Amazing. I couldn’t believe someone could so eloquently and passionately put into words all that I have been dreaming/thinking about over the past few years.  If you have some time, check out the link here.