Saturday, June 11, 2011

Values and Visions

I have listed below some values and visions that I feel like God has been placing on my heart for a new church plant work.


Every Nation Community Church

Every Nation for All the Nations- Every Nation to all the Nations – Every Nation praying for the nations.

A multi-ethnic church that is intentional and strategic in reaching every nation in our city with the gospel and discipling these nations to reach all the nations.

A church plants that brings together the rich and poor, old and young, charismatic and conservative and brown, black and white person.

A church where the nations worship on Sunday and scatter to minister during the week, including a weekly Commission Group meeting where the church meets in small groups to serve each other and serve the community.

A church where teaching the Bible verse by verse and application of the Bible don’t have to be an either or.

A church where all Christians are equipped to serve, not just a few serving those who are supposed to be equipped.

A church where families can worship and serve together, side by side, in the worship service and in the community.

A church that values the Spirit of God teaching and empowering the application of the Word of God so we can love and serve like the Son of God did.

A church where discipleship is learned by modeling and done by all people for all the people.


A church whose DNA is to reproduce churches, and so everything is centered around discipling, training and sending leaders to plant more churches...

Values of ENC:

Multi – Ethnic – We want to be a place for every color to exist in a church, providing one voice to God as one body.

Adoption and fostering children – We will be a church that not only provides a welcome home for those who have adopted and those seeking to adopt, but also will be a focus on being a church that intentionally strives to care for the widow and the orphans.

Families of Disabled Children – We want to be a place where mentally and physically disabled children have a church home and a place that is friendly

Deaf Ministry – We seek to reach out to the deaf community in the service and during the week.

Missionaries – We want to reach the mission field that exists in our backyard as well as the mission field that exists throughout the world. Every leader will be involved in missions exposure, visiting the

Family Empowered ministry – Where there will be Sunday school and youth ministries, we will also be building up the family to minister to the children.

College students – We believe that college students are a strategic use of resources and times and will be integrated as part of the church life.




Steve Allen




Friday, June 10, 2011

The calling

Over the previous three years in Zambia, I had felt God confirming to me that I was to be a lead pastor in an American church in the future. But, I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to happen at the end of 2010 as we completed our commitment and came home for furlough, or if we should commit to more time with Action after the completion of our term. The decision that Stephanie and I came to was to come back to Zambia for one more year in order to finish the third year of the 3 year Bible school program that I have been teaching in. There weren’t any fireworks, but we did have a deep conviction that I should finish what I started with my students, and so we committed to one more year in Zambia. Lord willing, we will finish the program and then plan on coming back to the States in 2012.

After I made my decision to come back to Zambia for 2011, I had peace and a plan. During the 2010 year though, I had this creeping suspicion that God was leading me to a church plant. Most of the pastors that I teach are church planters. I visit their churches and I see the struggle. In addition, I know enough of the complexities of planting a church, the financial struggle and the ups and downs that I was resisting this impression that I was sensing from God.

There were some significant events during the last few months of 2010 that continued to confirm this call to plant a church. The most significant time came when I was home for the week to get my hearing aids. I got sick towards the end of week and actually had to stay home from church on Sunday. I was home alone and spent some time with the Lord. I finally surrendered to God my unwillingness and lack of obedience to plant a church. I had wanted to step into a church, not start one from scratch. It isn’t that I don’t believe in church planting. I do strongly. But, I fear many things: the financial struggle, the ups and downs, the struggle, and the lack of gifts that I don’t have that will make me lean on others more strongly.

At the beginning of last month, Stephanie and I both fasted again for many of the biggest reasons being to seek some clarity from God in regards to our future. Mid- way through the fast, I felt like I heard a word from God that was very clear. I think I have only heard this once or twice before in my life. It said, “I already told you what I wanted you to do.” And that was it. I was looking for some rocks in the river, or an Ebenezer to be able to look back on. I felt like God was saying to me, “I already gave you that.’ Now, move on.” I had been fighting it for some time, but what I feared most, I am now embracing with some enthusiasm, trepidation and excitement.

One of the questions I’ve been asking myself is, “Why did God send me to Zambia?” I think there were lots of reasons that he sent me to Zambia. I know that I have had my world stretched in many ways, both in my character and my heart for the world. One thing I know for sure, God has used this experience to expose me to many cultures and the poor, as well as to grow in me a heart to love and reach people in different cultures and economic situations.

So, here it is: From what I can gather, I sense that God is leading the Allen family to plant a multi-ethnic, economically diverse, community of faith where people from many nations walk, work and worship God together as one. As I see it now, the vision statement is “Every nation for all the nations”.